Where the Cross is Made by Eugene O’Neill

companionway n the steps leading from the one deck (=floor) of a ship to another

binnacle box holding the ship compass

seep v (of a liquid or gas) to make its way gradually through small openings in a material

winnow to blow the outer part from (grain)

sill n the flat piece at the base of an opening or frame, esp. a window -

slight esp. lit not strong-looking; thin and delicate

gaunt adj thin, as if ill or hungry

sallow adj (of the skin) rather yellow and unhealthy-looking

unkempt 1 having untidy clothes and hair 2 (of the hair) untidy

a trifle fml to some degree; rather

spooky causing fear in a strange way

gingerly adv, adj: careful and controlled in movement so as not to cause harm

harsh adj : showing cruelty and a lack of sympathy, esp. in dealing with bad behaviour or mistakes

yonder over there

grim hard, resolute

get down to brass tacks infml to come to the really important facts or business

liable adj likely, esp. from habit or tendency

moody adj usu. derog bad-tempered, angry, displeased, or unhappy, esp. without good reason

barren adj (of soil) too poor to produce a good crop: barren wastelands

mate (not in the navy) a ship's officer next in rank below the captain

bosun n a chief seaman on a ship, who calls the men to work and looks after the boats, ropes, and other equipment

shudder v to shake uncontrollably for a moment, esp. from fear, cold, or strong dislike; tremble

resume v rather fml to begin again after a pause

inlet n a narrow stretch of water reaching from a sea, lake, etc., into the land or between islands

waerlogged adj so full of water as to be heavy, unusable, or unable to float

chuckle v [I] to laugh quietly

mock v to laugh (at), esp. unkindly or unfairly; make fun (of)

crumple v to (cause to) become full of irregular folds by pressing, crushing, etc

crane v to stretch out (one's neck) to get a better view

mortgage an agreement to borrow money, esp. so as to buy a house, and pay interest on it to the lender over a period of years

fit sbdy./sthg. out phr v to supply (a person or place) with necessary things

behold to see; look at

perfunctory adj fml (of an action) done hastily and without thought, interest, or care

rave v (about, against, at)] to talk wildly as if mad

wistful adj thoughtful and rather sad, esp. because of desires which may not be satisfied or memories of past happiness which may not return

twilight n the time when day is about to become night

avert v ( from)] fml to turn away (one's eyes, thoughts, etc.)

dogged adj (of a person or their behaviour) refusing to give up in the face of difficulty or opposition

hoarse adj (of a voice) rough-sounding, as though the surface of the throat is rougher than usual

plead to ask very strongly and seriously and in a begging way

foil v to prevent (someone) from succeeding in (some plan)

saddle sbdy. with sthg./sbdysa. phr v to cause (someone) to have (a difficult or unpleasant duty, responsibility, etc.)

cripple n someone who is unable to use one or more of their limbs properly, esp. the legs

mercy n willingness to forgive, not to punish; kindness and pity

scorn n strong and sometimes angry disrespect towards a person or thing that is regarded as worthless

wretch n an unfortunate or unhappy person 2 often humor a bad or useless person

gulp v to swallow hastily

forebode v fml to be a warning of (something unpleasant)

foreclose to take back property because of someone's failure to repay

gulp v to swallow hastily

frenzy n a state of wild uncontrolled feeling, expressed with great force; a sudden, but not lasting, attack of madness

speck n (of ) a very small piece, spot, or coloured mar

gust n (of ) a sudden strong rush of air, or of rain, smoke, etc., carried by wind

tramp v to walk (through or over) with firm heavy step

bristle n short stiff hair

tattle v infml, usu. derog to talk about small unimportant things, or other people's private affairs

whelp n a young animal, esp. a dog or wild animal of the dog or cat family

placate v to cause to stop feeling angry

hail v to call out to or try to attract the attention of

grim unpleasant; not cheerful

heed v fml to give attention to; consider serious

croon v to sing (usu. old slow popular songs) with feeling

paddle to walk about in water which is not at all deep

sinewy adj having strong muscles

squat adj. ungracefully short or low and thick

slimy adj like, covered with, or being slime; unpleasantly slippery, esp. to touch

strand n [(of)] a single thin thread, wire, string, piece of hair, etc.

limp v to walk with an uneven step, one foot or leg moving less well than the other

grin v to make a wide smile

pound to beat or hit repeatedly, heavily, and noisily

scuff v to make a rough mark or marks on the smooth surface of (shoes, furniture, a floor, etc.):

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