The Monkey's Paw by W. W. Jacobs

amiably adv. having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable.

grim adj not diminishing in intensity, pace, or effort

bawl v to shout in a loud rough voice

slush n partly melted snow; watery snow

condoled v to express sympathy with a person who is suffering sorrow, misfortune, or grief

tut interj (the sound like a /t/ made by sucking rather than forcing air out, used for expressing slight disapproval or annoyance)

burly adj (of a person) strongly and heavily built

beady adj often humor (esp. of an eye) small, round, and shining, like a bead

rubicund adj. red or reddish; ruddy: a rubicund complexion.

visage n lit the face

proffered v to put before a person for acceptance; offer.

tumbler n a flat-bottomed drinking glass with no handle or stem

doughty adj courageous and resolute; valiant

slip old-fash infml a small thin young person.

offhand adv, adj careless or disrespectful in manner.

fumble v to move the fingers or hands awkwardly in search of something, or in an attempt to do something

proffer v fml to offer, esp. by holding out in the hands for acceptance

grimace n an unnatural twisting of the face, as in pain or annoyance.

wont adj fml likely (to do or happen); in the habit of.

jarred v to have a harshly unpleasant or perturbing effect on one's nerves, feelings, thoughts, etc

presumptuous adj. unwarrantedly or impertinently bold; forward

blotch n a large irregular spot or mark on the skin, one's clothes

fancy n a caprice; whim; vagary

doggedly adv persistent in effort; stubbornly tenacious

pitch to throw, esp. in a way that shows dislike or annoyance

gruff adj (of a person's voice) deep and rough, sometimes because bad-tempered

talisman n anything whose presence exercises a remarkable or powerful influence on human feelings or actions.

enthralled v to captivate or charm: the performer's grace and skill enthralled her audience.

henpecked adj (of a man) continually nagged (NAG) by one's wife and completely obedient to her
nag v to annoy or try to persuade (someone) by continuously finding fault and complaining

dart v to move suddenly and quickly

antimacassar n. a small covering, usually ornamental, placed on the backs and arms of upholstered furniture to prevent wear or soiling; a tidy.

dubiously adv. of doubtful quality or propriety; questionable

shamefacedly adv. 1) modest or bashful, 2) showing shame

marred v.t. to damage or spoil to a certain extent; render less perfect, attractive, useful, etc.; impair or spoil

shudder v to shake uncontrollably for a moment, esp. from fear, cold, or strong dislike; tremble

ill-gotten adj. acquired by dishonest, improper, or evil means

prosaic adj. commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative

wholesome adj good for the body or likely to produce good health

shrivel to (cause to) dry out and become smaller, twisting into small folds.

betokened v.t. to give evidence of; indicate

disown v to refuse to accept as one's own; say that one has no connection with

scurrying v to go or move quickly or in haste.

at the expense of n at the sacrifice of; to the detriment of: quantity at the expense of quality.

bibulous adj. fond of or addicted to drink.

glossy adj shiny and smooth

apparel n clothing, esp. outerwear; garments; attire

gaze v to look steadily, esp. for a long time and often without being conscious of what one is doing

broach to mention or suggest for the first time

wistful adj thoughtful and rather sad, esp. because of desires which may not be satisfied or memories of past happiness which may not return

dawn on/upon sbdy. phr v to become known by

break off phr v to (cause to) end, esp. suddenly

avert v 1 to prevent (something unpleasant) from happening.2 [( from)] fml to turn away (one's eyes, thoughts, etc)

daze v to make unable to think or feel clearly, esp. by a shock or blow

disclaim v to state that one does not have or accept

steeped in thoroughly filled or familiar with

subdue v to gain control of, esp. by defeating

afresh adv fml once more from the beginning; again

fitful adj irregular; happening for short periods

quake v to shake or tremble, esp. in a violent way and usu. because of fear

aghast adj suddenly filled with great surprise, fear, and shock:

pant v to breathe quickly, taking short breaths, esp. after great effort or in great heat

feverish adj extremely active or excited

ere poet. Before

grope v to try to find something by feeling with the hands in a place one cannot see (properly)

falter to lose strength of purpose or action

flicker v to burn unsteadily; shine with an unsteady light:

creep v to move slowly, quietly, and carefully, esp. so as not to attract attention

screw up one's courage to stop oneself from being afraid

hoarse adj (of a voice) rough-sounding, as though the surface of the throat is rougher than usual

wrench n an act of twisting and pulling something hard and perhaps violently

appealing adj able to move the feeling

strained adj not natural in behaviour; unfriendly

fusillade n a general discharge or outpouring of anything: a fusillade of questions.

frantic adj in an uncontrolled state of feeling; wildly anxious,

wail v often derog to cry out with a long sound (as if) in grief or pain

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I dont know what I have to do for wednesday with Nico and Fermin. Can you explain me ?