black comedy n (an amusing play, story, etc. based on) BLACK HUMOUR blackmail n the practice of obtaining money or advantage by threatening to make known unpleasant facts about a person or group
black magic n magic believed to be done with the help of evil spirits and used for evil purposes
white magic n magic used for good purposes
white lie n a harmless lie, e.g. one told so as not to hurt someone else
black sheep n black sheep someone who is thought by other members of their group to be a failure or to have brought shame on the group: the black sheep of the family
blacksmith - n a metalworker who makes and repairs things made of iron, esp. horseshoes
black spot n esp. BrE 1 a part of a road where many accidents have happened
2 any place or area of serious trouble or difficulties: The city is one of Britain's worst unemployment black spots.
blackwater fever a very severe form of the disease MALARIA, esp. in W Africa
blacklist n a list of people, groups, countries, etc., who are disapproved of for some reason and are to be avoided or punished in some way
blackleg n BrE derog someone who continues to work when their fellow workers are on strike
black art also black arts pl.- n [the] BLACK MAGIC
Black Death n [the] the illness (probably BUBONIC PLAGUE) that killed large numbers of people in Europe and Asia in the 14th century. In Britain the Black Death is connected with the men who went round the streets to collect the dead bodies calling out “Bring out your dead!”
blackjack /n a card game, usu. played for money
Black Watch [the] the common name for the Royal Highland Regiment, a REGIMENT (=large division of men) in the British army
blackguard / n old use or humor a man of completely dishonourable character
black economy n [the] business activity that is carried on unofficially, esp. in order to avoid taxation
Blackshirt /n a member of a FASCIST organization having a black shirt as part of its uniform (from the Italian Fascist Party before the Second World War, whose members wore black shirts)
Black Mass n a ceremony in which worshippers of the devil use forms like those of Christian worship
wog n BrE taboo derog a foreigner, esp. of a dark-skinned race (considered extremely offensive)
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