Mrs Bixby and the Colonel's Coat by Roald Dahl

parley n a talk, esp. with an enemy or other opponent, in order to make peace

unduly adv fml too much (so)

protract v to make the time during which (something) lasts long or longer, often without good reason

deter v to prevent from acting, esp. by the threat of something unpleasant.

payroll n 1 [C] a list of workers employed by a company and the amount of wages each person is to be paid. 2 [S] the total amount of wages paid to all the workers in a particular company

huddle v to (cause to) crowd together, in a group or in a pile

lecherous adj derog (esp. of a man) having or showing a desire for continual sexual pleasure

jiggery-pokery n infml, esp. BrE secret dishonest behaviour

cuckold n humor or derog, now rare a man whose wife has had sex with another man since her marriage

turn the tables (on someone) to suddenly take a position of strength or advantage that was formerly held by someone else, and change from being weaker to being stronger.

flabbergast v infml to surprise very much; fill with shocked wonder, usu. so that one is unable to think clearly

fatuous adj very silly without seeming to know it

fruity BrE infml (of talk, a remark, etc.) amusing in a slightly shocking or impolite way, esp. about matters of sex

lurk v [derog 1 to move or wait quietly and secretly, as if intending to do something wrong and not wanting to be seen. 2 to exist unseen

scoundrel n esp. fml or old-fash a wicked, selfish, or dishonest man: an utter scoundrel

encumber v fml to make action or movement difficult for; weigh down..

hitch n a difficulty which delays something for a while.

ravishing adj very beautiful; causing great delight.

finicky adj infml 1 too concerned about unimportant details, small likes and dislikes, etc.; FUSSY. 2 needing delicate attention to detail

ministration also ministrations pl.- n fml (a) giving of help and service, esp. to the sick or to those needing the services of a priest

groom n someone who is in charge of feeding, cleaning, and taking care of horses

wizened adj smaller in size and dried up, with lines in the skin, esp. as a result of age.

flutter infml an excited condition; state of excited interest

burrow v to search for something as if by digging

tendril n a thin leafless curling stem by which a climbing plant fastens itself to a support

probe n a long thin metal instrument, usu. with a rounded end, esp. one used to search inside a wound, a hole in a tooth, etc.

tide sbdy. over (sthg.) phr vto help through (a difficult period)

brisk adj quick and active

beaker n 1 esp. BrE a drinking cup with a wide mouth and usu. no handle 2 a small glass cup shaped for pouring, as used in a chemical LABORATORY

trappings n [often derog articles of dress or decoration, esp. as an outward sign of rank: (fig.)

countenance n fml the appearance or expression of a person's face

prognathous adj tech having or being a jaw that sticks out

brood n a family of young creatures, esp. birds: a brood of ducklings

inlay n a filling of a metal or another substance used in the inside of a decayed or damaged tooth

cast to throw off; remove; get rid of

peek v infml to take a quick look at something, esp. when one should not

coy adj showing a (pretended) lack of self-confidence, esp. in order to attract interest or to avoid dealing with something difficult

feast one's eyes on/upon to look at eagerly and with delight:

reckon v to guess; believe as a result of calculating roughly but not exactly

mangy adj 1 suffering from the disease of MANGE 2 infml of bad appearance because of loss of hair, as in MANGE: a mangy carpet (=old and with bare areas)

clasp n a usu. metal fastener for holding together two things or two parts of one thing

lilt n a regular usu. pleasant pattern of rising and falling sound, esp. in speaking or singing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you.