The Landlady by Roald Dahl

brisk adj 1 quick and active

big shot n a person of great importance or influence

swanky very fashionable or expensive; POSH:

blotch n a large irregular spot or mark on the skin, one's clothes,

dachshund also sausage dog

congenial adj pleasant; in agreement with one's tastes and nature:

rapacious adj fml taking everything one can, esp. by force

dither (about)] infml to behave nervously and uncertainly because one cannot decide:

dotty adj infml weak-minded; slightly mad:

swamp [usu. pass.] to cause to have a large amount, e.g. of work or problems, to deal with; INUNDATE

teeny adj infml very small; TINY
teeny weeny (used esp. by or to children) very small

frisky adj infml, often humor overflowing with life and activity; joyfully alive and playful

tantalize also -lise BrE v to make (someone) want something even more strongly by keeping it just out of reach

whiff n a short-lasting smell or movement of air:

blemish n something that spoils perfection:

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